What are your romance book comfort reads?
I know people often ask about our favourite books in general, but—and maybe I’m in the minority here—lots of my faves are not books I read over and over again. My rereads are a distinct comfort category. It’s a combo of setting, characters, and story-telling that keeps me coming back. I’m in a bit of a book slump so would love to get some recs and thought this would be a fun way to go about it!
My current comfort books:
Heartless by Elsie Silver
Bringing Down the Duke by Evie Dunmore
The Simple Wild by KT Tucker
A Touch of Darkness by Scarlett St. Clair
(Just as an aside on the last one, it’s a weird one for me. I don’t love Persephone’s character and I find the writing to be iffy at times, but I love the way she depicts the Underworld. I find it oddly peaceful. I’m a big Hades/Persephone fan but find so much of the books out there are very hit or miss, so if you’ve got one, hit me up!)
TIA :)
Thanks all!! Love this sub — officially out of my slump and my TBR is about 50 miles long at this point!