Family bereavement has pushed my fitness progress back by 4 weeks.
Hi everyone, I've been doing a lot of training for my upcoming RAF fitness test.
My current record in running was reaching the 1.5 mile marker in exactly 12 minutes, and have been doing various amounts of breathing exercises to increase my VO2 max.
4 weeks ago, a direct member of my family has made the choice to end their life, and I've dropped everything to go home abroad to help my parents.
Other than focusing on doing my standard pressups and situps, I have not been able to do any running within this time frame and my diet has changed completely and have regained a few pounds back.
I blame my lack of motivation to carry on running due to the grief and committing my time for my family, but I feel like my running has gone back to square one despite all the months of training.
I now stand currently at 14,7st at a heigh of 5'9 but have a relatively stable BFP at just about 15%.
I was unable to block any time off and made my way back to the UK to avoid having to sign a residency waiver, my medical is in a few days and I am worried that I will fail my medical due to the extra pounds and that I am not ready for the fitness test.
I am worried that delaying my application even further more would risk in it being withdrawn, I obviously do aim to get back to my training as soon as possible but not sure if I will make the cut anymore.