officially lost my sanity

1) It's the day of my English oral ohnoo... Thank god it's js a practice... 2) enters hall at around 3:30 3) sits on chair facing the back of the hall 4) plays w my pen 5) looks around 6) alternate between playing w pen and looking around 7) attempt to lean on wall to sleep (nope, chair too far away) 8) attempt to sleep sitting upright in the chair (at least the chair is somewhat comfy) 9) alternating between open eyes and close eyes 10) hearing ppl talk around me 11) gives up and moves chair few inches to the right to lean against the wall 12) I love the wall 13) attempts to sleep 14) eyes closed but brain awake 15) I love the wall 16) teacher suddenly appears behind me and says that we're talking too loudly (read: the other people from the other classes) 17) ignores the cher and tries to sleep again 18) cher bumps my head with his elbow while telling off the other ppl 19) moves forward slightly 20) cher finally leaves 21) ppl start talking again 22) I love the wall 23) tries to sleep again 24) "wtf I'm hungry I last ate at 9:30" 25) "why was recess so goddamned early, and they didn't even give us time to have lunch bro-" 26) gives up trying to sleep 27) starts counting up numbers 28) decides to draw imaginary numbers on the wall while counting said numbers 29) counts 30) counts 31) alternates between counting numbers and looking around and looking at my friend behind me 32) counts while closing eyes 33) fingernail starts going numb 34) tries using ring finger 35) position awkward, nevermind, changes back to index finger 36) uses middle finger 37) subtly flips off the other students in the room for being noisy 38) counts 39) I love the wall 40) Friend talks to me 41) She says I'm losing my sanity 42) I agree with her 43) Tells her I'll continue counting 44) Turns back around 45) counts 46) counts 47) finger remains numb and tingly 47) I HAVE REACHED NUMBER 585 48) I love the wall 49) Friend asks me to sit with her 50) Sorry wall, I have to break up with u :( 51) Sits with friend 52) We talk for like 31.415926 seconds 53) continues counting 54) drags chair in front of me to write the imaginary numbers on the chair while counting 55) Friend leaves for oral 56) Alone 57) Tired 58) Hungry 59) Counts until 644 60) Gives up counting 61) Waits for my turn 62) Alternates between closing eyes and looking behind 63) It's my turn! 64) WHAT IS THIS QN BRO 65) Wait.. how do I start the video 66) wastes a minute trying to start the video 67) finally realizes I have to actually find the cursor and click the play button bc it does not work if I a) click enter, b) click space, c) spam click the touchpad, d) use the arrow keys, e) squint at the power off button on the laptop, f) try and use telekinesis to get the video to start 68) Starts scribbling like mad 69) my bad, wrote one word of my sentence onto the next piece of paper 70) hey don't blame me, the paper is like... super white. Like, blindingly white, like white sun-? I can't tell where the edge of my paper ends. Pls. 71) Uhhh... 72) Looks at the single "out" I have written on not-my-paper 73) eh, it's just one word... 74) hides that paper under the pile of provided blank papers 75) continues on my merry way of scribbling 76) brain lag 77) poof, suddenly time's up 78) wait.. do I go now? 79) goes 80) cher nods at me 81) uhm- ₕₑₗₗₒ 82) starts speaking 83) ... I have 20 seconds left? Do I want to add anything...? 84) uhhh, no... 85) next qn ok blablabla 86) I'm probably going to fail this 87) what. is that last qn 88) Do I agree or disagree... Disagree probably 89) WTF WHY DID I SAY I AGREE "TO SOME EXTENT" 90) PANIK 91) U-uhh..uh...blabla? 92) Long awkward pause 93) attempts to look up to silently convey my inner agony through the emotions swirling around in my eyes 94) cher smiles awkwardly 95) cher finally prompts me 96) bla... blabla... bla? 97) PANIK 98) screw that, i'm definitely going to fail this 99) oral FINALLY ENDS 100) silently walks out of the hall at 5:50+

. . .


102) omw home

103) oh damn, haven't eaten for like, 7 hours

104) goes home

105) reaches home

106) oops forgot my mom isn't home today


108) Why didn't I buy snacks at the supermarket

109) finds cheese

110) eats cheese

111) stomach stops trying to violently digest itself