SMP with thinning hair

Really would appreciate anyone’s feedback.

I’ve had 2 hair transplants. A lot of money, time, and healing put into them.

For the life of me, I can’t take any type of hair treatment that affects hormones like finasteride, minoxidil, saw palmetto, or really anything that affects hormones due to terrible psychological and physical side affects. So that means I am going to lose more of my hair.

Would like to know if SMP can be used to “fill in the gaps” for areas that look thinner (especially donor area) without me having to shave my head?

Then, if it gets to a point where I’m uncomfortable with how my hair looks can I shave it then have the rest of my scalp filled in with SMP? (With the areas that “filled in the gaps” being present when the head is shaved)

Been thinking about this for a while.

I think SMP looks so so so so much better than just an exposed scalp from a balding head. Gives men a great look. Shapes the face. Covers up bare scalp. Might be my look but not just yet.