SaaS is NOT a get rich quick scheme
A few weeks ago I posted on here and it really seemed to resonate with people. In total the post got 250k+ reads and I received hundreds of dm’s.
One moment that stuck out for me was that a young man messaged me asking for my opinion on a ‘no-code’ course that he was about to purchase. After reviewing it, I couldn’t believe the sheer amount of bullshit that was being shovelled.
The guy selling this utter bollocks claimed that using his lesson’s on no-code tools (such as combined with his ‘ad strategy’ (whatever that means) you could easily scale your SaaS to £10k MRR in 6 MONTHS.
The worst part was that this ‘course’ would have STARTED at $3k. Thankfully, the guy asking for my opinion actually took it onboard and didn’t go ahead with it. But I have to be honest, knowing that this is happening has left a bad taste in my mouth.
Why? Because SaaS is NOT a get rich scheme.
In fact, it is the HARDEST way to make an easy living.
The allure of software is that in theory it is an infinite leverage business. Once the software is built, in theory only, you can sell it forever until you are bought out.
This narrative reads well on paper but in reality, no SaaS product is ever ‘built’. It is in a constant state of evolution and iteration. Plus, SaaS is a lot more than the code it is written in, it is about forming relationships, building teams, staying competitive etc etc (to the moon and back, lots of work - forever).
If I didn’t love it so much, I would honestly quit immediately because there are definitely easier ways to make money in this world.
Now, I am not saying for a second that ‘no code’ tools aren’t useful. I believe that Automation Engineers will be the most in demand job in the next 5 years and it will replace the ‘I.T Guy’ in company structures.
But it is clear from the amount of messages that I received that there is a trend forming around the idea of starting a SaaS company to make ‘passive income’ (again, whatever the fuck that means) and the whole narrative is being peddled by the same dream-floggers that sold SMMA and Dropshipping courses for thousands of dollars during the pandemic.
Please, if you are coming from a marketing background or do want to have a digital business, you should 100% consider white labelling or affiliation before building any product yourself because SaaS is NOT as easy as any of these grifters are making out.
—- UPDATE —-
My DM’s are full. I will try and respond to as many messages as I can because I am passionate about this topic but if you want a conversation, please get in touch here