I miss my best friend
My best friend developed schizophrenia 6 months ago and he’s been in psychosis and mostly an inpatient the entire time. I miss him so much. Every time he goes out of the hospital he has about 1-2 weeks of stability. This time me and my friends have decided not to have such an active role while he’s in hospital - me especially because I have had to be his carer for a while. This time I’m only getting involved with his financial benefit as due to my job it makes sense for me to be involved. I miss him so much. No one has spoke to him since he was last admitted and when I saw him last he was almost violent with me. He’s just kind of vanished one day. This time he has been in psychosis for the longest time and has been in psychosis for 2.5 months with 1.5 months on medication. I know things will never be the same. I’ve done so much for him where everyone said that I’m doing too much. I don’t think I will be able to get back into his life as much as I was because it’s been detrimental to myself and I’ve lost jobs over it. He is / was my best friend of 8 years and he’s just kind of suddenly vanished. When we met we were immediately best friends, it was like we never weren’t best friends. Like platonic would mates. Just a vent really because I think about him all the time and I also feel bad that I’m not talking to him (not that I think he would knows anyway)