The restroom trans issue is a non-issue

Edit: this post has got a lot of attention and it really highlights the trivial nature of this. People have raised interestong points in the comments and do so. I will ask if you do comment, does assume people know what abbreviations are. And the comments overall have been polite and respectful. Some ...riskier views but as long as people contribute to the conversation wit respect it's interesting to see the issues raised from an issue that on the surface seems like such a trivial thing.

People bring up the argument that gendered spaces (female toilets etc) are a safety issue.

In my workplace, we have gendered toilets and disabled non gendered toilets.

I will often go out of my way to use the accessible toilets on the basement (where it's unlikely to be in use) for privacy. I often have health issues and I feel exposed using the the toilets on our floor.

Now, in my workplace, I'm in the UK, we have a lot of trans people. In the UK we have never really had the "restroom" issue as an argument. I think this is more a US thing.

Now to my point: the reason in my head that this is a non-issue is because it's often brought up that men could attack women under the guise of claiming to be trans or something like this.

But in my head, a sign on the door is not going to stop someone from attacking someone. If a rapist wants to rape, they will find a way to do it. If a pervert wants to perv, they will find a way to do it.

In my many years on this planet I have personally never experienced anyone ever do this. The only time I've ever seen men in a female changing room has been the male staff in my gym who will announce their presence before entering and just enter to check on plumbing issues etc.

I feel the argument is so weak and to make it such a contentious issue is ridiculous and it also implies that trans people are more inclined to do crimes like this and where is the data? It just sounds like some bigot whining. The "Think of the Children!" While being a terrible example to their children.

Trans people are just people who have found gender reaffirming care has immensely improved their mental health. That's it. They just want to exist and not be suffering every day. They just want to live a normal life.