Britt Lower appreciation for S2E4

I know we're all obsessing over John Turturro's stellar performance in S2E4. But I've just been thinking about what an insanely good job Britt Lower did with the whole Helena/Helly situation. She's been essentially acting 3 roles in one: Helena, Helly, and Helena's performance of Helly.

It's an acting turducken of epic proportions, and Britt Lower performed it so well that it makes you forget that in real life she's not actually a severed megacorp heiress pretending to be her work persona she's got no memories of. She managed to make Helena's delivery believable enough to convince many fans she was the real deal, grounded enough that it's believable in-universe for someone who's seen footage of Helly to achieve, while sneaking enough nuance into her acting to make others feel something was off immediately. Where even when Helena was saying or doing things that Helly would absolutely have said or done, there was an underlying delicate coldness that made her feel like a completely different person from the brash and fiery Helly we know and love. She acted as the character while also showing she was actually a different character.

I am aware it's her job as an actor, and that's kind of what all actors do, pretend to be someone else. But I'm kinda blown away by how she pulled it off. And she did it in a way that retroactively makes complete sense, but that actually confused a large section of the fandom and led to actual debates about who she was portraying.

All this to say, Brava Britt Lower. And we're still not even halfway through the season!!!