Don't think anybody noticed this about Helena's car in the trailer

In the trailer for season 2 many people have noticed it looks like Helena in the back of a Chinese restaurant where mark is walking through.

When we see mark walking outside the restaurant at a fast pace, it looks like the car Helena was about to get in before talking to Cobel in s2 e3, is also the same car outside the restaurant with a driver in it.

Seems like Helena snuck up on mark here at this restaurant, why do you think she did this? by marks face and how fast he is moving it doesn't look like it went well.

Also unrelated to this post why would Helena be walking in front of marks car in s1 e1 if she has a driver was this planned by her to further test if the chips work on mark or that the writers just did this to show us how the chips work, but just forgot about this when they showed she had a driver in s2.