Major implications of patch 6.0

Wanted to use this post to discuss the major implications of patch 6.0 and how it changed various builds. Obviously I don't have anywhere near all the answers, but I'd like to start the discussion off with some observations of my own. Please consider sharing what you have found so far here!

  • Plasma incinerator on tactical is now INCREDIBLY good, on account of the buff to the plasma perk (+40% damage when 30% overheated, which is just every shot after the first charged shot if you're not using the venting speed variant) and the extra mastery point (it makes a big difference, as now you can get all the ammo efficiency perks AND both charge speed perks). As of this patch, we just hit the new breakpoint for chaos - you can bring a chaos marine to execute with only 2 charged shots. This build can now compete against the heavy w the heavy plasma incinerator, due to the easier time killing the flying tzangors. I basically never run out of ammo now due to the buffs.

  • SMG/block knife CQB sniper is significantly stronger now, given the 7 buffs they received; I discussed this in a prior post. Normal long-ranged sniper builds feel the same. Stalker bolt was buffed slightly, but I have not tested to see if the small buff hits any break points.

  • there are so many more spore mines flying around, and that's not even including the ones shot by the new biovore extremis enemy. Gotta be more careful with your shots, especially the melta, in case you explode the ones next to you

  • new build with bulwark using the shield bash actually feels like it does a good amount of damage. But it comes at the expense of losing the healing perk (doubling the CD feels excessive). Apparently the CD increase on the healing perk has not been implemented, so it still has the original CD.

  • also, it feels like it is much faster to charge the power whirl on bulwark's power sword. Dont know if I'm just imagining things. You don't have to wait for the flash in the sword to do it anymore.

  • bulwark's intimidating aura doesn't feel like a nerf. It does way more damage now on parry, but has the 5 second CD. If you just executed the majoris, but the time you finish your execution, it will be ready again.

  • Vanguard feels like he got nerfed for no good reason. The nerf to adrenaline rush doesn't feel justified - it's very rare I encounter a vanguard that "solo all their problems and leave their team to be torn apart by the enemy" (rationale provided for the nerf).

  • Heavy changes really don't do anything. You're better off sticking with whatever build you had pre-patch.

  • Volkite pistol got an indirect buff. First, the extra mastery point is very useful. Second, given the increased spawn rates of spore mines, it is more relevant than previously.

I have not tested assault, power fist (massive buff). I also haven't tested bulwark too much beyond just the shield bash stuff. Again, please contribute and share what you've found!