Crying About Cheap Moves And Strong Characters

So I'm going to be the guy down voted to oblivion for this but it needs to be said.

You didn't buy my game, don't tell me how to play it.

I see it all over the various communities for this game and I simply don't understand it.

I don't care if you play SS4 Gogeta, Giant form characters, Yajirobe, LITERALLY ANYONE play as WHOEVER YOU WANT TO. You spent hard earned money on the game and you should play it however you enjoy it.

That includes YOU the cheesy players reading this know who they are. Use whatever moves you want, afterimage me into oblivion. I PROMISE I will adapt and improve to where what you play and the moves you use won't matter.

Wanna try and delay me with Yajirobe and his sense bean? Go ahead, that's gonna let me practice rushing you down, not letting you breathe and killing him before you can even cheese me with him.

Afterimage? Meh whatever, we are playing DragonBall use all the cool flashy moves you want, that's what it's all about. Cool epic fights with big attacks.

To the people who want to set rules for who should and shouldn't be played: Go make a private room with like minded individuals and enjoy the game with them that way. Or keep playing ranked do literally whatever you want.

If I get cheesed online does it suck? Yeah sure I guess, but it doesn't make me mad, that just means they didn't want to have a drawn out fight or they don't know any other techniques for playing and that's fine too.

But those same people who cheese me help me to improve. 90% of the time I can vanish Father-Son Kamehameha, I can vanish Z broly ultimate, beerus ultimate, ss4 gogeta, and when I mistime it then I take the L.

Just a rant really from someone who doesn't get mad over how someone plays or who they play as. In my eyes everything can be countered somehow, everything can be adapted to. So to any of you who play this game even on ranked for fun and play who you like, I tip my hat to you and no matter how you decide to play cheese or no, I look forward to battling you one day so I can continue to improve.

I'm by no means the best at the game, and I will certainly work and aim to be as good as I can at the game, but I will always be glad to play anyone on DBSZ. Don't treat it like it matters, it's a bunch of 1s and 0s. Have fun and play the game the way you want.

Let the down voting begin!

Seriously though, have fun with the game, that's why it's meant to be played.

PS: To the rage quitters, THANK YOU for giving me something to laugh about before moving to the next match. You keep rage quitting you'll get suspended and eventually banned. But I look forward to every one of em cuz it makes me laugh my ass off. On to the next match!

If you read this all then you're actually the GOAT. Keep the discussion civil! Or don't it's your life.