Let's Have A Polite Discussion About SS4 Gogeta

Yes, I play SS4 Gogeta in singles ranked. Now before any of you start to flame me for playing him I just want some clarification from the community (just stay civil) as long as you hear me out first. If I were doing DP battle I start with GT Goku and SS4 Vegeta with whatever 3rd I feel like running.

WHAT EXACTLY IS IT that makes people hate those who play as him? Is it how they fight as a player? Is the character doing too much damage with weird hitboxes? I play SS4 Gogeta because out of the entire series of Dragonball he is my all time favorite character. I love all Gogeta forms, but SS4 has always been so cool to me so I choose my favorite character.

So let me also follow up with a secondary question.

If you fought me and I was playing SS4 Gogeta. We throw some hands, its fun, no ult spamming, but rather timing it for climactic and cinematic fights. Would you be disappointed fighting that still? Is there someone who played SS4 Gogeta that you actually had fun fighting?

TLDR: Is the character just too strong in people's eyes? or is it the way the person using him chooses to play that pisses people off? I always throw the hands, I have had some irritating mirror matches due to how people decide to play which I can see why it would be irritating as they choose not to have a sick ass anime fight, they wanna spam shit get the W and go which is lame.

Love the community as a whole, sorry if you hate me for being a filthy SS4 Gogeta main, but at least in DP I earn that fusion, and in single and DP both, I always throw them hands more than anything else because thats more fun than zoning!!

Keep it civil please!

P.S. Fused Zamasu is my 2nd main he's my favorite villain. Who is your favorite villain?