Really wish there was a decommission technology button
With the amount of tech in this game, some of it is bound to be so useless that it just clutters the building and megastructure options for example. I don’t want to research bioreactors as a machine empire or food production for instance, they are a waste of time and space. If there was a button to decommission that technology so it would become greyed out in the research options and not show anymore it’d be really convenient. Balancing this might be annoying because of the randomness of research and you are essentially removing some of that randomness by eliminating options, but I think a good alternative would be replacing the tech with a randomised respectable technology when it would otherwise show up in the tech tree, researching the randomised one would eliminate it for good. There should be a minimum cost, but the repeatable should cost the same amount of research.
Also it would be nice to give the automatic research option some settings like never research repeatables when possible and prioritise tech categories like voidcraft or genetics for instance.