Doomed to Sub forever

I’m sad, disappointed.

I decided 6 months ago that I wanted to be a teacher, something I thought about for a long time. I didn’t know what subject (I majored in Communication Studies) so I was between history and English. Spent a couple months on history studying, it wasn’t for me. I couldn’t bring myself to even read the content without being insanely bored and frustrated. Switched to English it was a little better, until I got into the deep part of comparative analysis and different countries literatures etc. lots and lots of reading and analyzing texts, I also got very bored. I didn’t have a passion for either of them. Now I’m stuck. I enrolled in a masters of teaching program, luckily I have a couple days to get my full refund back, but idk what to do anymore. I love subbing, I love being in a class, I love working with kids, but I just don’t love any subject enough to pass those CSETS. ALSO, I do not want to teach young, I want to teach high school. So that adds complexity. Altogether I love being a sub, but I’m beating myself up for not being able to do more than that? Idk what to do anymore. I’m stuck. I’m lost. I feel like my whole life plan just got ripped from me. :(