
My life has reached an all time low. I thought a year ago was the lowest it was going to be, I had a major nervous breakdown/psychotic break, but now it's somehow worse. I'm so angry all the time. Seething throughout the whole day; day in and day out all I feel is my blood boiling under my skin. At the same time I just want to crawl into the warm earth and sleep forever. I'm angry that my guilt keeps me from taking decisive measures against myself. I hate that it keeps me from taking all my medications and medicine at once. That it keeps me from escaping. I hate my life. I wake up and go to school, and after that I go to work for 6+ hours. I get home late, too late, and end up getting less than 4 hours of sleep every day. I either over-eat or under-eat, either way I feel like crap. I have to see my ex-boyfriend every single day as he happens to me in my miniscule class. I have to see him with his girl best friend. I hate that it's been a month and a half and i'm still in love with him. I hate that I was just a phase to him. That she was always going to be the one he chose, even if at one point I thought he felt like how I felt about him. He was everything to me. I sit in class so angry. My head pounds. I get migraines all the time. I am overworked. I am physically and mentally exhausted. I am devoid of joy in every sense. No longer do things I used to enjoy bring me happiness. I know I'm alive, but I'm not really here*.* I also haven't been taking my anti-depressant because it does not fix how I feel. I feel just as shitty with it as I do without it. Only difference is that with it I'm outwardly giddy. Now I'm just a bitch all the time. I guess I'm posting on here because I don't know what to do. What I mean to say is that I'm stuck. I can't drop out of high school, I can't quit my job, and I can't fucking end it all as much as I want to because I'm more worried about inconveniencing others with my death than finally being able to rest. If anyone has any advice on how to move on from someone you love with your entire being (I tried dating other people I fucking hated it I'm not into/attracted to anyone other than my ex ATM, I know that sounds pathetic) I would really appreciate it. Maybe also some advice on just how to feel better or more energized. I feel too guilty to escape my situation, but I don't know how to deal with it. Help me.


I want to end it all but can't because I don't want to inconvenience anyone. How do I get better. Help.