3a with AXA and VIAC, is it bad?
Hey there
As I have read a lot of posts about how bad 3a from insurance companies are, I am here to ask if I did the same mistake myself.
Since three years I am paying the max amount into my 3a. 1/2 of it at Viac, where about 99% get invested into an ETF and the other 1/2 at AXA, where 85% gets invested and 15% is cash.
At my Viac account the ETF is from CS, with effective management fees of 0.40% per year and TER of 0.01% per year.
At AXA 85% of the money is also invested into an ETF and 15% stays in cash. There I pay about 12.30 per month for the exemption from paying premiums in the event of incapacity for work. And the rest about 287.70 into my "Vorsorgesparplan SmartFlex". During the consultation the pension adviser asked me about the payment of 12.30 and I thought I'd would be a good idea in case of such a devastating event or accident happening to me. First question here, am I too fearful? The other options like "Absicherung der Erträge", "Ablaufmanagement", "3a-Limite ausschöpfen" are all not activated. As a topic I have chosen Switzerland, but I think I am going to change it to global. They write that the "Fondkosten (TER and others)" are 0.39% per year for Switzerland (ETF (AXA (CH) Strategy Fund Swiss Equity CHF), and 0.16% per year for the global one (AXA (CH) Strategy Fund Global Equity CHF). They write concerning the costs: "Als Fondskosten werden die sogenannten 'laufenden Kosten' ausgewiesen. Diese beinhalten u. a. die TER. Es fallen weder Gebühren für Kauf und Verkauf der Fondsanteile noch Ausgabe- und Rücknahmekommissionen an."
When I (as an amateur) look at those numbers and facts, I think that I am setup pretty good and the part at the insurance is not a scam. However a lot of the post on reddit and some articles in general made me really unsure about the part that I pay into my 3a at AXA. Is it really that bad and should I switch everything to VIAC? And if so, why exactly?
Thanks a lot in advance for your recommendations and help!