What will be my ex’s next actions towards me?
I got a private reading from a well known YouTube tarot reader about an ex. The reading seemed so good, but looking at some of the cards has me wanting a second opinion…
🌸 What are his next steps towards me?
In this order:
Knight of wands, the tower, the hanged man rx, queen of wands, ten of swords, the lovers, queen of cups, the emperor, king of cups, death rx, page of wands
Basically, she said he misses me and will reach out to me. She said more of course, but that’s the gist of it.
I got a private reading from a well known YouTube tarot reader about an ex. The reading seemed so good, but looking at some of the cards has me wanting a second opinion…
🌸 What are his next steps towards me?
In this order:
Knight of wands, the tower, the hanged man rx, queen of wands, ten of swords, the lovers, queen of cups, the emperor, king of cups, death rx, page of wands
Basically, she said he misses me and will reach out to me. She said more of course, but that’s the gist of it.