What should I do about the relationship with my father?
Three card spread for guidance, The Light Seer’s Tarot
This is how I understand this:
The Queen of Swords is on the heart of the matter place - and I’ve been pondering and considering and trying to be as objective and clear as I can be and leave my feelings out of it. But (5 of Cups) I need to actually heal the emotional wounds, acknowledge the hurt to accept it and heal it, and only then can I (21. World) close the cycle and feel whole and complete again
Would you add anything/correct my understanding?
Three card spread for guidance, The Light Seer’s Tarot
This is how I understand this:
The Queen of Swords is on the heart of the matter place - and I’ve been pondering and considering and trying to be as objective and clear as I can be and leave my feelings out of it. But (5 of Cups) I need to actually heal the emotional wounds, acknowledge the hurt to accept it and heal it, and only then can I (21. World) close the cycle and feel whole and complete again
Would you add anything/correct my understanding?