A lil Gift For The MODS… 🥰
Bro ur hair be lookin like cut up pussy jungle, lil bro ur smiling like ur dad caught u watching gay corn, ears be out like a fucking orangutan? My dick shaped better than yo bitch ass nose and that mustache? Wtf is that drawn on or what? Coz girls in my school can have a better mustache than yo ass Ur eyebrows are so incomplete I thought it was my homework, u look like u smell old granny farts and fap to that hoe. My delivery package box got a better shape than ur jaw Boy whenever I see yo dick assed face all I can think of is how my fcking arousal dries up, lil bro go fuck urself coz no way u getting even a one night stand with that face, I remember once you tried to hire a s*x slave but even she refused coz yo ass smell so bad it made her give birth from disgust. Stinky lil poo poo you better wash ur ass rn coz wherever u walk you don't carry aura but u carry the most utterly disgusting, outraging stinking piece of scent ever known to humanity BOY YOU WANNA GET LOUD IN THIS BITCH?! SHUT UP BOY, YOU LOOK LIKE A VELOCIRAPTOR IN A CLOGGED TOILET BOWL. BRUH, YOU LIKE AN OFF BRAND BEN 10 CHARACTER NAH, YOU AIN'T BEN 10 YOU STEVEN 9! GET YO ASS BACK BOY! YOU LOOK LIKE YOU GOT EXPELLED FOR BARKING AT YO LUNCH LADY, SHUT YO ASS UP BOY! YOU AIN'T FROM THE JURASSIC PARK, YOU CAME FROM THE PREHISTORIC PLAYGROUND! GET YO ASS OUT BOY, YOU LIKE CLIFFORD THE BIG RED DOG'D FOSSIL! BOY, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT WITH YO NASTY ASS?! BOY, YOU BETTER GET YO AUTUMN WAS AN AVERAGE KID THAT NOONE UNDERSTANDS WOAH!!! MOM AND DAD AND GRANDPA ALWAYS GIVING HIM COMMANDS LOOKIN ASS BOY! BRUH, YOUR BALLS DROPPED AND THEN CLIMBED BACK UP BOY! STOP PLAYING WITH ME BOY YOU SEXUALLY IDENTIFY AS AN UNSOLVED RUBIK'S CUBE
u/Prathamesh1855 u/nuked_hybrows u/BagulaManav u/AbyssalGlutton u/_Astareus_ u/groundbreakingdic u/savvy-17 u/Wonderful_Focus_9422 u/Suspicious_Limit012 u/orgasmicguyy u/peetabread17 u/AgreeableLeather9658 u/anime_name_go_brrr u/AyushGaming136
(Mera pyaara Ballu is an exception to this gift 🥰)