Welcome back to the Divisional Round of the Playoffs y'all. It's been a hot minute, and very few of us expected to be here again this quickly after the last few years of Texans fandom equating to masochism.
Turns out, when you've got a phenomenal young coach/QB combo paired with a winning record and several other hugely talented players on the team, the sub gets a little more active.
So while this is still your basic Free Talk Thread, we want to just go over a few quick points from the moderation side of things.
1. Don't Troll Other Subs
I get it, trash talk and the like is a very normal part of fandom, and it's genuinely fun to give your friends shit in real life. I imagine if I had a nickel for every text thread a user on this sub was involved in where the Cowboys were being made fun of this past weekend, I could retire from my real job.
That said we don't allow trolling/brigading other team subs. This is a pretty universal rule across sports team subreddits, and we've added it in the "official" rules for the sub. Look don't touch, y'all. Show that we can have more restraint than certain NFL Quarterbacks.
Also, the Division based "memewar" subs are fantastic places to channel your trash talk urges (as long as its still in good spirits and having fun). r/AFCSouthMemeWar is great for our division in particular, and I believe there's a sub like this for every division.
2. Memes, Shitposts, and Posts of Little Substance
One silver lining of the less active nature of the sub the last couple years, is that the occasional shitpost or meme wasn't a big deal, and didn't do anything to really muddy the sub. However, with the resurgence lately, there is a substantial increase in the amount of posts being submitted.
With that, there are many low-effort memes, posts that are basically just opinions or short comments, etc. While a well thought-out meme post isn't likely isn't going anywhere, we will have to be much more active in cleaning out posts that are similar, low-effort, or touching on similar subjects.
It's not that we don't appreciate the content and desire to be involved here, we just have to make sure the sub stays manageable and doesn't get overcrowded with fluff so that the key discussions and posts are still easy to find and still at the heart of the sub.
3. Live Scoreboard
Some of you may have noticed a really neat live scoreboard in Game Threads within other NFL Subs lately - we are actively working on getting this implemented in the Texans sub and hope to see it this week. If you notice any problems with it or concerns in general, let us know in Modmail.
4. Only YOU can prevent Forest Fires Shitty Posts and Comment Threads
We're a pretty small Mod team here, and while there's some fantastically dedicated individuals on this team, sometimes there's a LOT going on at once.
Use the Report function on any comment or post that breaks our rules. This is by far the easiest way for us to get eyes on spam, people trolling the sub, etc. Genuinely, keeping this sub in quality condition is a group effort.
On a similar note, when you do see people being a dick or clearly trolling - report and move on. Engaging and replying, while sometimes satisfying, just makes things even messier and usually introduces more comments and chains that we have to take care of.
That's all I've got for now. If you've got questions ask away. Otherwise, feel free to chat it up.