Anarchists who don’t advocate for animal rights are missing the point of their ideology.
Like if you say your against all forms of oppression and you want freedom from it why don’t you extend that to animals and be vegan or vegetarian. Especially applies to those ones who jump at any opportunity to post on social media about the latest humanitarian/social issue and try to say how they want to protest ect to show how against oppression they are but don’t think twice when buying beef or chicken. They always yell and scream racism,sexism homophobia bad but for some reason species is an acceptable line to cross? Just makes me feel like most anarchists who aren’t are just virtue signallers who don’t want to put away their comfortability to actually do something about this form of oppression because it benefits them. Which is like the complete opposite of the ideology. Edit: this post is targeted to more so people online I know a lot of anarchists are vegan irl but im speaking about a lot of content creators ect