What's stopping Batman directors to give us action scenes like the raid movie.
Honestly, when I first watched Battinson beating the living crap out of that thug in the Batman teaser, I believed that we are finally gonna get the real Batman, the master in martial arts with intellect. I thought I was gonna get that same adrenaline rush when I was first watching the Raid movie while watching the Batman, coz Batman is that guy in all of the superhero genre, the only hero fit for that, but the experience was not even close to the raid, we got fight scenes just slightly better than tdk trilogy, that's not even a bar at all. And this is a young Batman he should be very agile and fast like the protogonist in the raid movie, if the actor can't do it, use the stunt double, we just want to feel the adrenaline. I know I know people gonna say, it's a crime saga, then why the hell did they put three mediocre action set pieces in the movie, if they were going to get rid of action and go for full seven-movie mode, they should've added real interesting detective work instead of just guessing answers and wasting time on mediocre fight scenes. For a young Batman, battinson wasn't agile using very minimal leg work. I don't know how he survived in Gotham for two years with only very limited skills, You can show Batman's struggles, both physical and mental, its important, but showing him as an average Joe in a suit is dumb, I mean what's the point?