Neople AMA breakdown of the big answers

  • Regarding NG+: Think Nioh 2, Higher Playthroughs unlock more options and abilities. While everything can still be enjoyed in NG, certain restrictions are lifted in subsequent playthroughs.

  • There’s another phase to some boss fight if you play on the normal difficulty.

  • Transmog (allowing you to customize the look of gear without messing with the actual stats and perks) unlocks after the first playthrough

  • Dual Wield, Greatsword, and Spear are the only 3 weapon types in the game

  • Again think Nioh 2, you’ll be able to replay any mission to grind gear drops and the enemy (including bosses) will not scale to your level.

(If it is just like nioh 2, the gear drops probably wont be scaled to your level either and you’ll have to find the boss you want to grind in a later mission, but that’s just my thinking).

  • Average playtime to achieve the True Ending (so multiple endings confirmed?) is 80 hours with side quests.

  • The direction, content, and schedule for DLCs have not been finalized yet, but several game modes are being discussed.

  • No co-op/pvp but asynchronous content is available (potentially like Nioh 2’s clan battles?)