[SPOILERS] Tom Sandoval was actually in the process of making a good point before that Freudian slip
When he slipped up and said women make the best cheaters (when he meant to say traitors), he was actually in the process of making a good point. Women do make the best traitors. Men are always the first ones out of the turret (at least in the US version).
Tom said it's because we have better social skills, but I personally think it's more than that. I think it's our social conditioning in an often unsafe and patriarchal society. We've been taught from birth to read body language to suss people out and we know how to squirm out of uncomfortable or unsafe situations (go to any bar on a Friday night and you'll see this in action). On any given day, I have to lie to strange men to keep myself safe (like giving the wrong number, telling him I have a boyfriend, etc.) These are things almost every woman has done---it just comes naturally to us. That's not to say we're naturally deceptive. Just that when we feel unsafe, we can flip a switch and go into deceptive mode without even thinking about it.
Do you think women make better traitors? Why or why not?
***Please refrain from misogyny and misandry in the comments. Let's keep it civil.***