I wrote a poem!

Hi everyone, I have been lurking on this subreddit for a while but I wanted to show you all my poem. I don’t have a name for it. I wrote it to try and express what it is like for me as a therian in a small town that is very conservative and not accepting. I am only out to my one sister who is also a therian. Anyways, here you go!

“I am not what you think I am But to survive I must blend in I put on a smile and ignore my snout The world does not support me being out

I arise and head to work My personal hell for when I shift I try and ignore it all but it hurts Therienthropy is a curse, and a gift

At school I hide it too My fears are worse than being uncool I hate it here, they call me words that aren’t true The things they say, the way they act is worse than cruel.

My home is the worst nowhere is safe If I could pick just one place I would choose to escape

So now you know why I have no place No den, no safe haven, no place to be me Only my dreams but sleep is fleeting and always leaves Me feeling lonely and worse than before And that starts the cycle that ended before

I wish I could be what you think I am not But I am cursed to be what you think I am A human is a great thing to be Unless you are me.”