How on earth are Texans happy with Ted Cruz?

Disclaimer: I am not American, nor am I Republican or Conservative. However, I will not be attacking or even discussing Republican/Conservative ideologies here and I encourage you all to engage the same way, insofar as possible. This post is about Ted Cruz and Texas, and less about the macro-politics at play.

Okay, so here's why I'm asking.

As far away as in Ireland, the UK and most of the world, there is an image associated with Texans. They're seen as the hard-asses of America, the working men, the tough guys, the rootin', rootin' and shootin'est of America. Sure, they're also associated with a lot of decidedly negative things depending on your political affiliation, BUT! That's not what we're talking about here.

So much of the Texan identity and image that they've managed to curate is this idea of a western tough guy, a handyman, a libertarian, no-nonsense man's man etc etc etc. I'm sure I don't even have to bang on about this, most of you will know what I mean. The identity is thoroughly rooted in practicality, being hardworking, being tough, being small government, being virtuous, standing up for people, etc. Just think any cowboy from a western - you'd think Texas before most other states.

Now, to Ted Cruz - the soft-bellied, spineless coward who kisses the ring of the man who called his wife ugly. How on earth does this guy receive any support from Texas? Are Texans not repulsed by the fact that their identity is becoming more associated with a slimy, Washington swamp creature with no spine and no manhood than it is with spaghetti westerns and their hardass stereotype?

Ted Cruz is a classic politician - duplicitous, ineffective, soft, amoral, dull, uncharismatic, without principles... If a man called my mother ugly on an international stage and then my father went on to publicly support and praise him in everything he did, I wouldn't have any respect for my father. Did Texans not lose respect for this man when he couldn't even stand up for his wife? Or during any of the other myriad instances where Cruz was shown to be an irrefutable bitch?

Like, guys, this isn't even a politics thing, I promise you. No matter how much I disagree with the general politics in Texas, this isn't about that. Y'all deserve so much better than Cruz. Texas is full of real, red-blooded Americans and I just can't see how they're settling for that slop of a man.

Is there something I'm missing, besides the generic answer of being well-connected and being good at lobbying? Do Texans hate him but can't get rid of him?

What is going on???