Buyer’s Remorse (connected services)
Let me start off by saying I first experienced this problem on our 2019 LE Camry and now on our 2023 XLE Rav 4. Secondly let me state that I’ve worked with 3 dealerships, Toyota connected services, Toyota customer support, as well as the Tech guy at a 4th dealership. Also let me state that all 4 dealerships are certified Toyota dealerships. Also let me add that the two dealerships that sold us these vehicles knew about this before selling us the vehicles yet failed to tell us until after we purchased the vehicles are did months of run arounds trying to find a solution. This post may come off as a rant or maybe it’ll just be a PSA for future Toyota buyers. I’ll explain the issue the same way it was explained to me by the multiple people I talked to throughout this process. When Toyota sells a vehicle to a dealer/rental company the vehicle is sold as a “fleet” vehicle. Fleet vehicles are not installed with some of the tech that the regular vehicles are installed with so they can be sold at a discount & in bulk. A big part of that tech is the Toyota connected services that allow you to connect to the app, and once your vehicles remote start “trial” ends, the ability to remote start your vehicle. Additionally, unless you ask, or you see it in the CarFax report, they will not disclose that. In our case, they may even lie. But trust me. Don’t believe them. If you want your very expensive car to remote start or connect, do not buy it if it was previously sold as fleet. As I’ve been informed there’s 3 options. 1. Install a third party system for hundreds of dollars 2. Buy a new vehicle that wasn’t sold as fleet 3. Replace the infotainment system for ALOT of money (this option I was told is only an idea. They have no idea if it actually will fix the problem or not. So fellow Toyota owners, be aware before you spend 30 thousand plus on a car if that feature is remotely important to you. I live in central Wisconsin where last week it was negative 12. Remote start is literally a must have when I’m looking at a new vehicle. Frustrating to pay this much and not even have an option to pay to fix it other than buying a non OEM system.