Only Garnt Survived The Snowstorm in Hokkaido
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So many dark timelines
\nGarnt's protagonist powers keep him safe, but he can't save anyone else. So his mind, in order to not succumb to insanity, has created a reality where everything is perfectly normal and Garnt can go about his life. But we all know the truth...
\nThe boys dying has become a nexus point, only god remains across the multiverse
\nWhen he breaks is just the last 10 seconds of him laughing on loop
\nMan is having fun making these :4964:
\nWhat can I say, this past semester has been a doozy. But for real, it has been a fun experiment with editing something in a different style than I'm used to for 3 days straight now.
\nKeep doing it more, you made my day
\nGarnt, the incident was years ago let us go.
\nI love my Podcast friends
\n\nPill time
\n\nI love my...podcast friends...
\n\nWhere's my friends?
\nConsidering it\u2019s Garnt, I wouldn\u2019t be surprised if a time traveler appeared to give him a second chance at saving them.
\n:5665: A chance in another world, if you will.
\nFucking Zelretch from Fate appears to give Garnt a world where everyone survived but him, so that he can easily swap lives for his counterpart.
\nThanks akasa
\nHe\u2019s stuck in the Re:zero loop
\nWe are in the timeline where that has already happened.
\nClannad twist time
\nGarnt's got a heavier plot armor than Reiner at this point
\nHeavy are the shoulders who wear the plot armor.
\nGarnt the Plot Armor Titan
\n"Garnt Taste"
\n\nOhh, so Trash Taste?
\nGod just cannot die
\nGrant let go of them.... The hokaido incident... TrollDespair ... Schizophrenia....
\nAfter the recent drama at the Oscars Garnt is replacing Will Smith in the sequel to I am Legend.
\nI can't take it anymore stop!!
\nWasn't Garnt the only one who got stuck in the Snowstorm?
\nSydney was there too.
\nWhich is why he thinks he's Marrying her. Because that's what he wanted to do before she also died.
\nIf Connor hasn't seen them already (he probably has), I do wonder what he will think of these when he sees them on his next meme review.
\n\nI love these... but they're also so sad. Dear god, my heart.
\nHe'll definitely get some mileage out of the Everything Is Not Daijoubu meme.
\nThe Connor appearance at the end makes me think you're adding hints of lore in the videos now lol
\nCould be :4964:
\nGarnt wanted to be an isekai protagonist. He just didn't think it'd be Re:Zero
\nIt just keeps going
\nThe Dark Lore deepens...
\nSo you are telling me that we are fortunate not to have all these unfortunate timelines?
\n\nSometimes stuffs are daijobu
\nThis is so sad
\nyou are making me cry
\nWhat if he was actually the only casualty and this is his idea of purgatory?
\nFirst podtaku and now trash taste. This MC is a struggler like Guts
\nSoo.. were the boys taxedermized?
\nsooooo no context for all these dark timeline memes? i'm assuming it's from the latest episode lol
\nIt sure does! Good eye.
\nHe's stuffed their bodies for content
\nTheory Time:
\nGarnt had actually been put into a virtual simulation after suffering severe injuries from the earthquake, the only way to wake him up from his coma is to keep replaying trash taste videos from his memories
\nConnor somehow found a way to send a message into this simulation
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