Is this a good beginner knife?
I like to make steak, and was looking for my first knife. I’ve tried to do my own research, but there is so much nuance it’s a bit overwhelming for a layman. I figured I’d just buy something I thought looked nice, and figure out for myself what I like/dislike. I do like the look of the knife linked below, and I’ve seen reference to it on here but I figured I’d double check.
I’m looking to spend 200~ USD, I like the clad look and I’d like a gyuto. I do not know how to sharpen, but plan to practice on the old cheap big box store knives we own now. I’ve read that a 210 is better for the novice so that’s what I was leaning towards.
I’m more than happy to do my own research, if you guys would like to suggest specific brands to look into.