God can't be evil

No matter what Reglion we are talking about, God can't be evil for these reasons.

One, what's considered good decided by God which is the law, and evil is breaking Gods law. So since God decides what's good, none of his commandments or rules can be evil, because evil defined as being iagainst God and God can't be against Himself, Nor would he ask us to break rules He made.

Two, God knows what will happen if He chooses to do certain things. So God doing things that can be seen as cruel, aren't really cruel because we don't know if something worse would have happened if He didn't.

Three, God is the creator of all things, so He is well within His rights to do what he pleases with the world. He's not obligated to give life, and can take it as he pleases.

This applies for any Reglion but I believe Chrstianty is the truth so I'm mostly referring to the Christian God. But I said any Reglion because atheists use this agurgement for all Reglions.