How accurate is the calibration system for new accounts? I did a test with interesting results. (ancient3->immortal)

So I am (or was?) a 4150 mmr player who was on a losing streak and bored. So I wanted to try something interesting and fun to take my mind off the ranked grind. I have seen people say that making a new account is pointless because you will calibrate to the same mmr anyways, and that the calibration system for new accounts is very accurate, so it's just a waste of time. I figured fuck it, why not try and see what happens .. for science? Also a good opportunity to practice new heroes that I didn't feel comfortable with picking on my main account (mainly morphling).

Main account mmr

I made a new account and during my first 100 hours I noticed right away that I was only facing other low level accounts (smurfs), which I deserve and I think is a very good implementation by valve if I might add. Queue times were fairly long and the players were very competent. I played 1/5 mostly and tried to win as many games as possible. I had a 60.12% winrate overall during my first 100 hours over 168 games. Dotabuff

Went 4-6 in calibration, played a mix of 1/4/5 and the games were all from low to mid/high immortal. this was one of the highest ones . I was definitely more nervous than when playing my ancient pubs and tried my best to not get flamed and called an account buyer. Games are definitely more stressful here and people don't fuck around and you will get called out if you make a mistake, but the games went fine, and I very much enjoyed the experience of higher level pub dota, It definitely made me try a bit harder to see how I would hang.

Calibration result/mmr.

So I gained a total 1530 mmr , and this was a very fun experiment overall. Not sure where I go from here, do I stick with this account or do I go back to my main?

tl:dr= made a new account and calibrated 1530 mmr above main and went from ancient 3 to immortal.