People Who Vandalize Teslas Because Of Elon Are Absolutely Ridiculous.
This has no bearing on whether or not you agree with all this Elon drama that's been going on. Someone purchasing a product is NOT an endorsement of the CEO of that company, or any other employee for that matter. Outside of literal slavery being utilized to make a product, or if that product itself is illegal, you should not discriminate against people who make simple product choices. If your first thought when considering the purchase of an automobile is "Well, does the CEO agree with my exact political views?" and not "Does this vehicle suit my needs and price range?" you really need to rethink your thought processes. Five years ago all the progressives were celebrating Tesla. and for good reason. They achieved their goal of making a more reliable, reasonably affordable electric cars and the put in place infostructure for said cars. If you flip flop on a product because the head guy is political, that's stupid.