Problems with spending money
HELLO reddit, hope you doing well,as the title says,andi problem with money, specifically when it comes to spending it, traabit fi 3ayla win my parents were so careful when it comes to spending money 5ater zouz chahaara wlamou w bnew dar so kol franc marouf win mche w omi tabda tet9achef fi kol dinar fin mche in order bch nkhalsou l debt wela nzidou 7ajet fedar, donc tal9aha dima tchry la7ana whiya testa5ser fi rou7ha, and unfortunately I adopted this habit, even when i save a lil money to buy something, eventually I don't buy it 5ater I would consider it "5saret flous" or "not worth spending it on that thing" ,w n5abi lflous en cas ou jet emergency w kedhe w 7asha bch t2ather 3liya ki nekber w ywali fi ydaya masrouf akther For instance im 22 yo at uni
TLDR: too careful when spending money to the point I don't spend it unless it's 100% necessary for me to survive