Had to put down 5month Kitten Figaro

Me and my wife got married in June and got a house in July. I said once we are settled in more we would get a third kitten. Flash forward to December she went to the shelter and found this guy. She wanted a chill cat who would cuddle with her. He knew his job. He was the best. We named him Figaro because we are Disney adults and on our honeymoon we went to Italy. He also loved playing soccer with his bell ball we got him for Christmas. He would play for hours with it and our 4 year old tabby cat named Mochi. She finally had a friend to play with instead of bothering our 11 year old tuxedo girl(Friskey). This photo was taken on Christmas eve at my wife's work.

A month and a half later he was diagnosed with FIP. Little guy became lethargic. We were giving him the treatment. But last night he collapsed climbing out of bed and we think he seized.

He passed not in pain at the ER Vet. But we are broken. And especially his mommy. Making this post to show her the nice comments.

12/24/24 to 3-3-2025 Figaro