I got 4 different parcels sent to my address today and I am creeped out
I have been home today so I was there during all these delivery attempts. Nobody else was home. I don’t open the door for any deliveries and I talk to the delivery guys through the intercom camera, to place the packages on the shoe shelf outside our door.
First delivery was around 10 am, as usual I asked him to place it outside. I took the package later and it contained coffee and a bagel. My flat number was there on the receipt, but no name or contact. It had a zomato seal. I called up my mom/bro but they hadn’t ordered it. I informed our security guard incase it was misplaced but nobody came to get it later.
Second was around 1:30 pm, it contained sanitary pads and a heat patch that you use during periods. My address, no name. But the paper bag was by blinkit. I informed the guard again. He told me that nobody had called him regarding any missing parcels.
Third parcel arrived after half an hour. I wanted to open the door but I was kind of really freaked out. Nobody was home. I could see from the intercom that these were regular delivery guys with those tshirt uniforms. And the parcel was by zomato again. It had a tub of lasagna and a coke can.
I finally went to our other two neighbours and asked about all the parcels, they didn’t claim them and looked at me confused. And the flat number on parcels was mine so it made no sense. But I thought maybe someone gave my flat number mistakenly. I also called up my family again but they hadn’t ordered.
The final parcel came around 8 pm. This time I opened the door and kept a friend on phone call just for safety idk. It was by blinkit. I asked the guy if he could tell me the contact/name. He said my name out loud as he read from the phone and I fucking lost it here. He had only my details. No other names/contacts. It was a box of Lindt chocolates.
I asked him if he has details on who prepaid for this order, but he didn’t have them. I called up my 2 close friends, they denied doing it. I messaged my ex too but he denied as well. Also, if my number is being used, shouldn’t I be getting delivery notifs? Idk.
I don’t know what to believe. I didn’t eat or use anything ofc. It’s like someone sent me meals for the day. I am just freaking out that someone knows my address, name, contact. My mom/bro won’t be back until tomorrow. I did tell mom what happened and she called the security guard, called our neighbours too. But nothing. I’d also have to waste all that food because idk what could be in it. Idk!!! I am so creeped out. It’s driving me nuts.
The food was from nearby restaurants. I contacted zomato/blinkit and they told me that they can’t give out info unless I am the account owner. Or unless I call them from the OG number. What can I do?