Can’t find my clit??
Me and my gf have been getting more sexual lately and last night she asked me to point out my clit for her. I honestly couldn’t tell her where it was.. When i pleasure myself I’ve only been able to cum from riding a pillow and never using my hands it just never seems to workout well because I CANT FIND NOR SEE MY CLIT!! When I’m aroused I do feel a lil spot that enlarges but when I rub it I don’t really feel much.. I’m 17F and I’m just really confused and annoyed if anyone has answers or has dealt with the same thing lmk this is frustrating and embarrassing to talk about with anyone I know.
EDIT: I did end up finding it! It’s very small and honestly it’s lacking a lot of feeling. I have bad blood flow overall and I’ve read up and apparently bad blood flow messes with the clitoris and makes it lack feeling?? I’m planning on seeing an obgyn soon just to see if I’m correct. Thank u everyone for helping me out!