What Is Wrong?

I have been Diagnosed for over two years and pretty much every single day looks like this. I am at my wits end with life right now.

My team has no idea why this is happening. Ive tried low carb, keto, anti-inflammatory, low calorie, high protein, 100% whole foods. Ive tried it all. Ive tried walking before/after meals. Ive tried changing the ratio. Ive tried more basal. Less basal. Less bolus. Split bolus. Waking up in the night to bolus. Metformin.

I've been inpatient for DKA nine times, usually stay in for about 10 days. Every time its the same thing - get me on the insulin drip, bg stable, go back to injections and i rollercoaster. They dont know why, after a few days they discharge me.

Community suggest raising basal, lowering basal, more carbs, go for walks, more frequent meals, less frequent meals, zero carb snacks, high carb snacks, carb + protein for snacks, etc. Nothing changes. For the first year they said don't be so hard on yourself, it's probably stress, you'll get the hang of it. Now they agree something is obviously wrong.

I had anorexia from age 12-19. Recovered. Lived a normal life. Ate when and what i needed/wanted. I also have Coeliac Disease, and a host of food allergies but I can work with that.

What i cant cope with is spending 24 hours a day trying and spectacularly failing to control blood sugar. I can't. Im crying all the time, my face is swollen, im exhausted, my ears ring all the time, my gums have fallen away, and i have no mental space left for anything.

Please for the love of god does anyone have something to say here because one day 3 units for 40g carbs is enough to make me low and the next 40 units wont cut it for a fucking banana. I just feel like a failure.