Uri Geller on X today…
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Off topic - Let's keep it sub related | Rule 6 | r/UFOB
\nOh.. Uri Geller, has to be true then.
\nMr Spoon bender lmao \ud83e\udd44
\nThere is no spoon!
\nSpoon maaaan \ud83c\udfb5
\nCone together with your hands
\nI'm together with your plans!..\ud83c\udfb5
\nSpooning bender
\nUnmanned by Johnny Carson and some opaque containers.
\nExactly what i thought.
\nYeah, I'm going to make a sandwich.
\n\nTell me what happend later.
\nAre we gonna have to wait 2 more weeks for more details on this alleged "sandwich"? Have you checked flight radar? Are you sure it's not Venus?
\nWell, the sandwich has lights at either side, one red, one green. And in the middle, white lights pointing straight ahead. It was near an airport. But something seemed off\u2026 I don\u2019t know what, but it was definitely a UAP.
\nYum, what kind?
\nI'm more excited about hearing about this guy's sandwich than I am about anything these dudes have said in years. Because at least there's a good chance the sandwich is real.
\nThe world deserves the sandwich truth
\nsandwiches are a psyop
\nDammit I really want a sandwich now
\nI just smashed a sandwich. Well 2 uncrustables bc I\u2019m a 39 year old man child. They were delicious though
\nGrape or strawberry, stay tuned for the big reveal soon
\nThe original, Grape!
\nGrape is the best, and nobody can change my mind
\nI've never had Uncrustibles before. In Canada it's literally $13CAD for a box of 4 and I have never been able to justify the price. I really want to try them though!
\nCheesesteak wit....
\nCE-5 is the combo meal right?
\nYeah, what kind?
\nI want a sandwich
\nThey probably found an authentic autographed photo of Jesus. Get your copy today!
\nBold of you to assume that this is anything other than the banning of all sandwiches! You\u2019re supposed to just stare at your phone obsessively and stand in one spot until we know what this is all about. /s
\nI remember when Uri posted the single most obvious AI alien photo and claimed to to be real only to say it was a joke when he was called out.
\nTook me a while.
\n\n\nI hope he\u2019s right, but most likely another \u201cproject blue balls\u201d
\nIs he pushing the Jesus angle?
\nI know! I want to know, how many times more shocking is it than the egg? Is it like 2 eggs worth of revelation or what? I\u2019m gonna need like at least ten times more revealing than the egg was
\nThe implication here is that most people in the UFO community read these things and believe them to be true. Look at the comments. MOST people here think this is nonsense.
\nYeah I hate posts like this where some random comes and says "look what the ufo community has become!" like we are some hive mind believing the same things.
\n\nI would imagine most who have been following the UFO topic for a lengthy period of time are probably more aware of fakes and have a good BS meter. We've been there, done that.
\nI\u2019ve tried to shout this across the various sub reddits when this comes up. Most of us are normal people leading normal lives. No one is joining a cult, or giving up their life\u2019s possessions and certainly not drinking suicide Kool Aid.
\nSpeak for yourself, man. I'm only here because I saw a ufo and want answers. The cult shit is all you.
\nIDK, there have been some pretty huge strides with recent whistleblower testimony.
\nThis is exactly how it feels, like a cult.\u00a0
\nThat's a bad sign. You should get out.
\nOh no! Someone is forcing you into this sub???
\nSo... What are you doing here?
\nIt's always soon. It's never today. It's never now. It's always just a few days or weeks away. Always.
\nSo exciting! I can't wait! Soon they'll tell us how long we REALLY have to wait . . . before they to pin down the REAL timeline that will tell us when the next mind-blowing revelation will be vaguely hinted at.
\nI think that several figures have stated that one or more of the craft that the US Gov/defense partners hold are from archeological sites. Am I right in remembering that David Grusch is one of those people?
\nYes, he said at least one he was aware of that was an archaeological recovery or site.
\nWH = Waffle House
\nThere\u2019s more to Uri than conventional wisdom reveals\u2026
\nCIA asset Uri Geller, fired today as he couldn\u2019t come up with 5 things that justified his job.
\n4... Bent fork
\n\n5... Bent knife.... "Mrs Geller! Where's my folk 'n' knife"
\nProject Blue Beam is all set then? Or is literally warning they're about to ignite our civilizations catastrophic flood with an earthquake they cause and nuke the planet while the "elites" escape to Mars and chill for a few thousand years before coming back to pretend to be aliens/angels/demons/etc?
\n\nHow would anyone KNOW with 100% certainty that the little green men they see aren't in fact AI robots with other advanced tech created by the likes of Musk/Gates/government?
\nI'd say if the ETs are the real stuff they should be able to communicate telepathically, and yet there's already a tech to send voices in your head....
\n\n\n\nand yet there's already a tech to send voices in your head....
I'm glad you added this second part - saved me from having to do so.
\n\nV2K, Voice of God, or whatever you want to call it is definitely some technology that is out there.
\n\n\n\nHow would anyone KNOW with 100% certainty
No one can know anything with 100% certainty. You can't even be sure you are who you think you are with 100% certainty.
\nIf you look at it from an evolutionary set of eyes, what if we are the little green men returning home?
\nI think you\u2019re affording them too much integrity towards their intelligence. Cunning? Yes, Sly? Definitely. Capable of what you just said? No.
\ngood reasoning, keep up digging for the truth.
\nRevelation 13:3.\nOne of its heads appeared to be fatally wounded but was healed. The whole earth was amazed and followed the beast.
\n\nI think you're right Shoddy
\nDon\u2019t give me the credit brother, many others on YouTube and even here on Reddit have been piecing things together, it\u2019s at least worth a lookin loo, another fun fact, the Germanic tribe the T family descends from is famous for its Roman/Assyrian descent!
\nThis article about how he fits as the AC is wild: Could American Evangelicals Spot the Antichrist? Here's the Biblical Predictions
\naaah you're catching on
\nYou hope he\u2019s right? I hope he\u2019s not. People in the US are not mentally well at the moment.
\nIt\u2019s true, those of us that pay attention to news and facts and stuff are struggling
\nUnderstatement of the decade.
\nGreat take. Look at what COVID-19 did to us as a society. All it took to make the world more selfish was a virus. I want our eyes to be opened to the truth that we are not alone in the universe and that the government has kept our secrets and our money while glad-handing us into complacency.
\n\nNow comes the phrase I hate more than anything in the UFO sphere "ontological shock". I believe that there will be a significant impact on our daily lives initially, but that people will soon realize that they still have bills to pay. Because the actual reality comes once we die, I'm worried about a wave of mass suicides, especially those who have a hard life and comorbidities like health and mental problems.
\nI\u2019m in the last group you describe. I now look at death as my last adventure. I\u2019m either going to learn that Jesus was a hybrid alien and we\u2019re going to exist in some form, or there\u2019s nothing afterwards and I won\u2019t be around to care about it.
\nLol. People everywhere are not mentally well.
\nThis is the truth, not sure why you are being downvoted. Folks in the USA don't get to dictate when disclosure happens just because half of them decided to destroy their country. The rest of us can hang with the cool friends from outerspace/another dimension/wherever while we watch the USA implode I guess.
\nI mentioned US because he specifically says \u201cWH\u201d: white house. Geller needs to chill and so does his amount of hashtags.
\nMore edging
\nLess punctuation
\nOh is it disclosure/identified Jack the Ripper time of year already?
\nThink the Jack the Ripper one was a week or two ago lol
\n'Member back in end Dec/early Jan Greer said full disclosure within one week. I 'member.
\nTomorrow, you will open your kitchen drawer to find all your spoons ruined.
\nI guess this is Trump using his \u2018UFO Trump card early in the presidency to offset/distract from all the bad press
\nin case of popularity crash in first months break glass
\nThat was \ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffc
\nOk, so given the Zionist connection I now choose to believe that any disclosure coming out of this administration is a psyop used to manipulate and control people to gain more power wealth and resources.
\nI once made a tweet about him being a fraud years ago and didn't tag him or anything. This mf was vanity searching his name and clapped back at me all prissy-like in under an hour and then blocked me lol
\nSomething tells me the guy bankrolled by evangelicals is not gonna be the one to pour lava on the Bible and its fans.
\nFuck Uri lol. I had to write a report (highschool) on why I think ESP was real/possible and used him as an example and as I was doing my research i realized the guy was full of shit. It made my paper less fun.
\nAnd yet I find your comment wholesome in that your assignment promoted your research to discover the most important of human abilities\u2026 critical thinking. Your High School scored a goal that day, whether it was intended or not.
\nUri is Jewish, isn't he? I thought he was, so why mention Jesus. My mind has gone straight to Jesus and UFO's. Are they really going to hit us with something like that? Or do I need to put down that bong.
\nThere is a branch of Judaism called Messianic Judaism. They believe in Yeshua (Jesus) \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f Not sure if he adheres to that though.
\nI did not know that, thanks.
\nYou're welcome \u263a\ufe0f
\nIf they do disclose, ITS A LIE. They will use disclosure to fit their narrative. They will purposely hide the truth, and create their own truth that will benefit them financially and politically
\n\nDon\u2019t believe them. Please.
\nWE ENCOURAGE YOU TO UPVOTE OR DOWNVOTE POSTS AND COMMENTS. Comments must be substantive or they will be auto-removed. Keep joking to a minimum and on topic. Be constructive. Ridicule is not allowed. Memes allowed in the live chat only. This community requires discussing the phenomenon beyond "is it real?". UFOB links to Discord, Newspaper Clippings, Interviews, Documentaries etc.
\n\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.
\nSame fuckin idiots that scream "Grab beeswax candles, the only thing that's gonna stay lit after the solar rays hit earth".
\nDon\u2019t trust zionists.
\nAs soon as he mentioned their country it reads very suspect.
\nAliens, Trump and religion. The perfect storm no one asked for.
\nHmmm interesting \n.... my intuition has been saying the same. Like reality has been glitching lately. Who the fuck knows though. Maybe, maybe not.
\nI immediately stopped at \u201csoon \u201c.
\nPaging James Randi...
\nThe MIC is getting replaced with an even more corrupt and inept MIC. Oh, and Democracy is kaput, good luck. That's the big news.
\nFacts, data, evidence, Mr Uri Geller....
\nSo, the WH will announce the existence of UFOs and aliens that they're coming to this planet for thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of years, and they created us. Ok, next!
\nSo we\u2019re getting a second angle video of the egg from 400 ft
\nHaven't had Uri Geller on my 2025 bingo card \ud83e\udd78
\nNew book incoming!
\nUri Geller is a second rate magician at best.
\nNHIs would not approve of genocidal apartheidists (hopefully)
\nStay tuned!
\nThe spoon bending guy says so!
\nHe\u2019s going to tell us how he bent the cutlery
\nAll a smoke and mirrors game hiding what\u2019s actually going on!!
\nSure thing buddy, only have heard this same tired out \u201cMind blowing revelation\u201d garbage for the last few decades or so now
\nPresent the evidence and let it speak. People are more obsessed talking about what they're going to do rather than just doing it. The dopamine hit is more important than the actual project.
\nI\u2019m just tired of everything being \u201csoon\u201d or \u201cright around the corner\u201d
\n\nI wish people would stop making announcements for announcements of announcements.
\nUgh \u2026 more hyperbolic statements that never pan out
\nAnother doomsday edging? How many are we gonna have this month, 2-3 of these bombshell information that never happens?
\nHow much of the shit going on right now just makes you go \u201cHoooo boooyyyyy\u2026.\u201d
\nWhy would spoon guy know ?
\nOh the guy who faked bending spoons with his mind on tv until the magician Amazing Randi wrote a book on what a fraud he was? Sounds trustworthy.
\nI hope he\u2019s right. \nBut it\u2019s always \u00absoon\u00bb or \u00abnext week\u00bb or \u00abin two weeks\u00bb. It\u2019s never \u00abnow\u00bb.
\n\u2026. Bro for all the talking heads of the ufo community just stop promising earth shattering news. That\u2019ll clear a lot of stuff up. Even if it is earth shattering just say you got news. No expectation that thing sheesh
\nPut up or shut up.
\nYawn... I didn't know he was still alive.
\nWords from the fraud
\nany day now....
\nYou mean the charlatan Uri Geller?\u00a0
\nIt\u2019s about to happen! It\u2019s right around the corner!
\nYeah i wont trust a zionist, thank you very much
\nCan't wait to see what he gets appointed to.
\nbeen waiting for these announcements for decades\u2026\u2026
\nHis mind is as bent as his spoons
\nHe's a con man
\nDon\u2019t forget to drink your Ovaltine. SMH
\nComing soon to a reality near you
\nHe did tell us\u2026..
\nMaybe he\u2019ll even throw in a comma
\nUri Gellar once moved a football with his mind. Apparently.
\nI have trouble trusting the veracity of such claims from a person who cannot use punctuation correctly when making them.
\nThis dude was on a reality show in my country(Greece) as a judge but i cant remember the name of the show,what can i remember though is that everyone made fun of him and then tried to empower everyone watching the show on tv to bend a spoon with him and ofc he failed.\nWe Haven't seen much of him sense...
\nThe aliens based in Antarctica made religion, we know.
\nTo learn why this is relevant, look into Andrijah Puharich, Aldous Huxley, Peter Hurkos, and Project Stargate.
\nI wish I could believe any of these dudes. But all that actually happens is letdown after letdown. So\u2026I\u2019m gonna go ahead and not be excited.
\nUri heard it from top people the top. \ud83d\udc4c
\nI have a great deal of respect for him
\n\u201cJoin us at 8PM on the ________ Podcast when we discuss this LIVE with Government Agency ______.
\nIs someone going to raise their arms and ascend into Heaven? I didn't even know Uri Geller was still alive. We'll probably have to wait "2 weeks" for it to be really "Earth shattering?"
\nThe Zionist dog whistling at the end \ud83e\udd22
\nIf you gotta hype it up on social media, then you\u2019re full of it or trying to make money somehow
\nI've been waiting since 1965 and all I have seen is an egg.
\nIsra\u00ebl is a terrorist state.
\nThese guys are all grifters: him, Elizondo and Greer. Geller in particular was debunked years ago, I've read enough about Greer to know I wouldn't touch anything he says with a barge pole, and while Elizondo is a recent name, he's bringing nothing new.
\nHow many days in soon?
\nRemind me in two weeks.
\nIf you just trust me, in a few weeks, I promise!
\n2 weeks!
\nI just dismiss all such statements now, as they have all been wrong in the past, but I\u2019m not sure I would trust anything coming from the CF-34 Wrecking Crew \u2014 They not only lack a commitment to the truth, but seem not to be able to determine what IS true and everything seems to have an ulterior motive.
\nSeems legit
\nHere we go ..that godamm Nazi Werner von Braun tried to warn us about it. Project blue beam commences Lol... aww shit .
\nIsn\u2019t this the guy that sued Pok\u00e9mon over the Kadabra Pok\u00e9mon holding spoons? \ud83e\udd44 \ud83e\udd44
\nThe edging continues.
\nI too can predict the future. Nothing will happen
\nMan I got excited and then I googled his name
\nTrust me broo
\nBlah blah blah, just more of the same bullshit! Say it, or STFU.