I think some people just have a higher standard of evidence before believing in something, and the woo is appeasing those prone to believing and alienating those still seeking any evidence

I'm interested in the topic. Grusch got me hooked, as an outsider who had no knowledge on the history of ufology besides a brief understanding of the Roswell conspiracy. I then watched the Joe Rogan Fravor episode and really started to get into it.

Then after almost two years of following the topic, it's becoming painfully clear, and I must emphasise, TO ME, that there's actually very little to get excited about.

Grusch was intriguing, but no evidence supplied, and it's become apparent he's just testifying on the fact that a bunch of people with titles, (like Elizondo who has orbs as pets in his house and shakes terrorists beds with his mind) have told him things.

Which doesn't mean much. Even under oath. I could say "A high ranking intelligence official who worked on a UAP programme told me we have alien space ships" under oath and if somebody's like Elizondo was the one to tell me, I'd not be lying.

So the Grusch stuff disappointingly turned out to seem more impressive and credible than it was.

And apart from that? We have literally NOTHING that can be pointed to as evidence if alien visitation. And I mean nothing.

Eye witness testimony? Yes, fantastic, even pilots and military officials etc, yes good.

But it's not enough. At all. Nowhere near. So so so many eye witness accounts and all we have as far as tangible "evidence" is the flir and gimble and go fast...all of which are at least to me, to be honest, not convincing at all.

I mean think about it. Imagine you were not a follower of the topic and you were shown those videos. You would not think "wow, this looks to me like alien life evolved to become intelligent travelled light years to come here and then flew around in whatever this is"

The only reason people even consider those videos as showing UFO's is because you came at those videos from that particular frame of reference.

Those videos are not convincing, to me at least, at all. Like at ALL.

So what is there? What actually IS there? We actually have basically nothing but hearsay. There's more evidence for the abrahamic religions being correct than there is alien visitation. (And many many highly credible people with impressive titles ACTUALLY BELIEVE that the Christian god is real btw, which you should take into account when referencing these people)

We have nothing. And now they're peddling the woo, making it all abstract, it's spiritual, the evidence is in your soul, UFO's don't require hard evidence only an open mind etc etc.

It's because that's what they have to do to keep the believers on the hook. Because they HAVE nothing tangible to show.