Coincidence: 3 best geological locations for neutrino detectors = 3 typical locations for a UFO base

In a very recent science news video by Anton Petrov on YouTube (who provides great concise content that has nothing to do with anything paranormal btw) he describes in passing the three best geological settings to detect the elusive neutrino particle—deep under water, deep inside mountains, or under thick ice.

Sounds like Antarctica, Dulce and several oceanic & large deep lakes in terms of UFO lore… It also “makes sense” that if Advanced NHI exists (I said IF so hush now) it might very well gather very special information from neutrinos precisely because neutrinos only interact with 2 of natures’ 4 fundamental forces. That could make for less chance of “interference” in what information the neutrino particles might convey (vs particles affected by all 4 forces).

It also makes sense that our most advanced exploratory science should “geologically overlap” with purported practitioners of presumably uber-advanced scientific knowledge, the NHI. And the sun emits a lot of neutrinos and certainly any solar information, if available, would be monitored IF one is monitoring Earth also.

I cannot post the link yet because it’s on YouTube premium for a few more hours but it should be generally available soon. The current title is:

 “We’ve just seen the most powerful neutrino ever and it makes no sense” by Anton Petrov. 

Again, the video has nothing to do with UFOs. And I said “if” —so Skeptics have no choice but to love this post and upvote. ‘Apologies if this post repeats someone’s original idea.