Sheehan: "Barber worked for Grumman. His new team [Skywatcher] will bait NHI craft telepathically and try to capture them. 5 ET species are monitoring earth. Earth is quarantined, all attempts to exit the solar system will be thwarted. Trump has agreed to share the existence of NHI with the world"
Below are some quotes from a recent interview with Daniel Sheehan:
Trump has agreed to share the existence of NHI with the world
Sheehan: "The creation of this new task force is extraordinarily important and now that president Donald Trump has been inaugurated, he has declared that he is going to insist upon being briefed in on all of the information that we have about the UFO phenomenon. And what extraterrestrial or conceivably extradimensional NHI is responsible for this phenomenon, and he has agreed he's going to share this with the American people and the world"
Barber worked for Grumman
Sheehan: "People haven't really grokked this, you know his [Barbers] activity of recovering this egg and these other things is inside some range. It's a privately owned area where there's a private Aerospace corporation, Grumman actually, that he was employed by. And to have the commercial private for profit corporations engaged in trying to capture the UFO craft, is just slightly less ominous an activity than our United States military uh taking them down and trying to reverse engineer them"
Sheehan: "Neither one of these two motives in our opinion is appropriate. Trying to either gain some explicit military advantage over Russia or China by back engineering these craft, by knocking them down and taking their technology, or the private commercial industry trying to capture these vehicles so that they can get patents on these technologies... I think both of those are low consciousness motivations"
5 ET species are monitoring earth
Sheehan: "I believe that there's convincing evidence that there are at least 5 very specific species that are ET in origin, who are in fact coming here to our planet. And that the UFOs are vehicles by means of which they transit from their separate star system to here"
Sheehan: "I believe that they are part of a a task force basically that's been assembled inside our galaxy to explore planets where life has actually evolved and that they are exploring sort of as a an anthropology kind of experiment, looking at the other the life forms, at what stage that we're all in"
Sheehan: "And it's in this capacity that they've been coming to our planet monitoring the development of our species, our activities toward each other, looking toward setting up some sort of standards by means of which... when we reach a point where we're prepared to venture out into space, into their their territory, that they can make assure themselves assured that we're not going to bring military weapons"
Earth is quarantined. Attempts to exit the solar system will be thwarted
Sheehan: "So I believe that we are in a sense quarantined right now. That as long as we are going to insist upon bringing nuclear weapons, and undertake aggressive military action to try to establish our superiority with regard to gathering together for ourselves the strategic raw materials that we believe our major business corporations need to maintain profit and stimulate our economies... that we're not going to be allowed to come out there. Every type of experiment that we do to try to get outside of our our own solar system, is going to be thwarted. Until we've overcome these deficiencies that we have in our culture right now"