Hey there - I'm Marie Mitchell, Chef, Writer and Author. Ask Me Anything!

Hey all, I’m Marie Mitchell — chef, writer and now a published author! I co-founded Island Social Club, a space created to fill the void left by the erosion of London’s once-thriving Caribbean social scene, after having started my own pop up nearly 10 years ago. I use cooking as a pathway to explore Caribbean culture and food, while being as authentic to who I am as possible, that pretty much means the influences of growing up in London feature in my work. I'm deeply passionate about driving British-Caribbean cuisine and the cultural conversation around it forward by delving into its history, geography, and the contemporary ingredients I find in my home city of London.

My debut cookbook, Kin, came out in the UK in June, and it's published next week in the US, and I'm obsessed with it, and maybe you should be too.

Excited to answer your questions—ask me anything!

Thank you to all the lovely people who asked some amazing questions. For anyone that missed it, feel free to ask away, and I'll get back to you. Such a lovely community, and please share the delicious things you make! Feel free to follow me over on instagram, and for I'll be slowly adding recipes to my website, if you need some quick inspiration!

Marie x

My website - for links to my book, socials and recipes