Don't believe the fakes.
Supervisors (managers too) act so nice, which some workers actually believe. When a supervisor comes up to your work area and starts touching packages. They sometimes act like they're just striking up a conversation with you while doing work. Or, they say I'm just going to help you out some so we can catch up. Then the best one is when they start to talk bad about other workers calling them out for being a problem [to slow] as their hands are all over packages. The best one that gets everyone is when the shift work is done they say "who wants to go home, thank you for your work". Or at the beginning of the shift they ask "we have a day to give, who wants the day". They say or do these things as if they're giving you something or they're being helpful. These are just ploys to allow the supervisor to do Union work and it's a cheep attempt to reduce the amount of hours worked to increase their PPH #'s. They don't care about our contract or our well-being. They're just trying to make themselves look good so they can get their performance bonuses. We don't need to work twice as hard for half the pay, (that's crazy) but people keep doing this everyday.