Crappiest send away from the USMC
Let's see who had the crappiest send away before they got out. I'll go first.
Last deployment to Iraq 2007. I was getting out a couple months before the unit got back so they put me on mess duty washing dishes at a large base that way I would not have a hard time getting a chopper back to Al-Assad. I went from one of the most dangerous jobs in Iraq which was searching vehicles all day at a checkpoint to scrubbing pots and pans. I did that for a few weeks and then I took the 46 back to Al-Assad, went back to Pendleton and I was out. You know it was still deployed so I was pretty much on my own. Got my DD-214 and took a Greyhound back to the east coast.
I went from being a legit combat vet in an infantry unit to washing dishes lol. Who else had a crappy going away gift?