fiance deployed and ended things
I’m having so many confusing thoughts and I feel so lost and I am unsure how to navigate this. My fiance has been deployed since January on a carrier ship. Communication has obviously been limited due to his job and the time zone difference, however when we talk it had always been good and he seemed so excited and in love with me every time we spoke. He was on port recently and called me first thing when he was off the boat, this was Monday. Everything was okay, and we were even talking about the wedding with him saying I was the love of his life and he was so excited. He then vanished until Thursday, which is expected due to his job however sort of weird because he always lets me know most of the time before he’ll be gone for a bit. Thursday I got a random text message from him saying that it wasn’t going to work out between us, giving me no real reason. I am just left so confused and hurt and I’m unsure why he would do this or what happened within a few days. Any insight or advice or anything would be so appreciated. I have no idea what to do, we’ve been together three years, and we were together before he even joined. This is extremely strange to me and even his family is confused as they haven’t heard anything from him since Monday either.