Boot camp? Upcoming UX/UI designer and I REALLY need help!
Hi everyone! I’m looking to break into UX design after gaining a Bachelor’s degree in General Business, and I currently have a marketing job. I’ve been looking into boot camps to learn more about what UX design entails, and I’m having trouble understanding exactly what my options are. The one through Cornell University seems like a good option, and it would give me an Ivy League certificate, plus it’s significantly cheaper than Berkeley or Columbia University. However, there’s also one from Springboard (I haven’t heard of it before) that guarantees a job after finishing the program but that one is a lot more expensive than the Cornell one and also doesn’t offer that prestigious Ivy League stamp. Do hiring managers care about where you got the certificate from, or just that you got it? What would you guys suggest, as professionals already in the field? I definitely want to do a boot camp because I’m not knowledgeable on the processes or software at this time, and I’d do a lot better with structured instruction rather than teaching myself. Please help!