A 79-year-old pensioner was found beaten to death in her apartment, her hands and feet bound and gagged. When the police investigated 30,000 Norwegian kroner was found hidden in her bra. Who were the two men seen running away from her apartment?
(Thanks to F9reverWithSNSD for suggesting this case via this post asking for case suggestions from my international readers since I focus on International cases
I don't have many sources on this one period so time for me to rely almost entirely on newspaper archives just like last time)
At 7:00 p.m. on September 15, 1981, The caretaker of an apartment building on Thereses gate in Oslo, Norway, was walking down the hallway when she saw the door slightly open. When she looked inside, she saw the body of an elderly woman. Her mouth was covered with tape and her wrists and ankles were tied with rope.
The police were called to the apartment. They concluded that she had died from several blunt force blows to her head. Her neighbours identified the victim as 79-year-old Dagmar Strand. The tape gagging her was a piece of five-centimetre-wide medical tape tightly wrapped several times around her entire head from the chin up to the nose which would've caused immense pain. Meanwhile, the rope was A blue nylon tow rope
Her apartment had been ransacked so the police figured the motive was robbery even before they removed the body. Based on the crime scene, the police believed that two people were likely involved in Dagmar's death.
The killers had likely been looking Dagmar's savings. Nothing else was stolen though Dagmar's jewelry, wallet and other valuables like her TV and Radio were not taken.
The police believed the killers had likely succeeded. That was until Dagmar's body was taken for an autopsy. There, her clothing was removed, including her bra which is where the police found the 30,000 kroner, she had been hiding it in her bra likely before the murder.
After the murder, many of the residents were stricken by fear. After all, Dagmar's murder was just the latest in a string of thefts against the elderly in the area. Many break-ins and thefts have also been reported in the area.
Dagmar was in fact, very cautious about who was allowed into her apartment specifically because she feared an incident like this one. She had even hired a man to look after and clean her apartment, earlier in the year, a 20-year-old man.
It was to quell these fears, that the police made the case a priority and a team of over ten investigators were assigned to the case. The M.O. of the previous thefts would involve the thieves using fake IDs to bluff their way into the homes and apartments of the elderly. The police conducted door-to-door inquiries at the adjacent apartments but nobody had seen anything.
Their first lead was the rope, which was commonly sold at gas stations. So, the police questioned the employees about whether anyone had bought the rope in question before the murder. They then published pictures of the rope in the newspapers in case anyone recognized it.
The clerk at the Gas Station, Schwensens Gate 5, which was in the same district as the apartment, said he sold a blue tow rope to a young man at around 8:00 A.M on the day of the murder. While the police were expecting a description of the man, they were sadly disappointed to learn that he didn't think much of the transaction at the time and in fact, forgot what the man looked like beyond being in his 20s.
The police tried to get in contact with the two other customers in the store at that time but they weren't paying attention to him and couldn't describe the man who purchased the rope either.
The police then tracked down her former housekeeper and discovered that he could not have had anything to do with the murder. Another thing he couldn't do was provide the police with any further insight. He only worked for her on a temporary basis during the summer and so wasn't in her employ by the time of the murder.
Luckily, the police finally caught a break. As early as 11.30 a.m., witnesses saw two young men hanging around the apartment right when Dagmar would've arrived home from a flower shop via taxi. At exactly 1:25 p.m., a woman saw these same men hurriedly running away from the apartment.
If these two were the killers, then the police believed the time of death was likely shortly after 1:00 p.m. and that they were lying in wait for Dagmar. Dagmar had a visitor who didn't leave until 1:00 so the two likely sprung into action after she left.
The police also believed it to be more likely because if they had killed Dagmar shortly before her body was found, then it was likely more witnesses would've seen them and they would not have had time to ransack the apartment as thoroughly as they did before being discovered.
According to the witnesses, they were both wearing casual clothing, "Ola trousers" and were both between the ages of 18 and 22.
To be more specific, one stood at approximately 180 cm tall with a normal build and medium-length hair. The hair was described as matted and greasy. His long hair reached down over his ears, but did not go over his shoulders and was said to be layered as if it was combed. He was also seen carrying a white plastic bag in his hand.
The other youth stood at 170 cm tall with a slightly stocky build and medium-length, medium-blond hair that was bushy and greasy. The two split up and were last seen at a tram station. These witness statements also caused them to revisit some evidence they had disregarded earlier.
On September 17, a set of keys and a pair of clothing were found abandoned near the apartment. At the time, they were considered unrelated but now, perhaps these two men left them behind.
The clothing consisted of a large checkered shirt in the colours white, brown, maroon and black in cotton fabric, size 44, marked “ROΜΑΝΙΑ”, pair of blue denim trousers, labelled “<WRANGLER”, somewhat worn at the front of the thighs and knees, size 97-86. Inside the pockets were a white handkerchief and a black belt with a gold-coloured buckle, marked 1117-85.
The keys were also found in the trouser pockets. They consisted of a shiny key ring with three keys. Two of them were marked “Trio Ving”, with no numbers engraved on them, and an ordinary door key marked 88 D. It was believed to come from a locking system manufactured in 1950. Lastly, the fourth key was a bank book key.
Pictures of both the clothing and the keys were also displayed in the local newspapers to encourage anyone who recognized them to come forward. Sadly, no one answered the police's calls.
The police then arrested several suspects in connection to the robberies that preceded Dagmar's murder. Many of those brought under arrest were indeed guilty of the thefts but seemingly cleared of the murder. The thefts in question all seemed to be unrelated to one another.
On October 3, a woman called Nils Drolsum, one of the key figures in the investigation. When Nils answered, she told him that she knew who had killed Dagmar. She only provided him with two names When Nils asked for her name, she abruptly hung up without telling him what else she may have known.
This story was published in the newspapers in hopes that the publicity would encourage her to come forward once more to describe in greater detail what information she may have.
As for the two names, they belonged to two drug addicts who had both taken their own lives in the three weeks between Dagmar's murder and the phone call. The police managed to track their movements that day anyway and saw that they had alibis and no evidence was found to posthumously implicate them. The woman who accused them never came forward.
That was the last lead before the case went cold.
On November 29, 1989, a newspaper published an article after tracking down and interviewing witnesses in the area and they both told very similar stories of unknown individuals trying to intimidate them.
One lived directly across the street from Dagmar's apartment and said that from December 1981 to April 1986, would routinely follow him. They would often come in a car outside the house where he lived and openly follow him in public.
He said that it was often two men doing so together. They were said to be young men, but on one occasion a man aged between 50 and 60 was also present. Whenever he tried to speak to or confront them, they would simply leave without replying back.
He gave a statement on the stalking and said "For the most part, I kept quiet about what happened. It was all too unbelievable. Time and time again I asked myself why it was happening,"
Then, starting in April 1986, a woman who also lived in the area said a group of three or four men began following her as well. She would also receive several harassing and threatening phone calls. Many late at night while she was trying to sleep. She knew Dagmar personally via her job.
Luckily both the man and the woman managed to finally catch a glance at their license plates and write them down. The police did not get involved because the harassment stopped soon after, perhaps being scared off after their victims finally obtained information that could be used to identify them.
It remains unknown whether these two cases are directly connected to Dagmar's murder or if the stalking incidents were unrelated.
In July 2006, the police received two brand new tips. Based on one of them, the police announced they'd be questioning another man in relation to the case. Unfortunately, the evidence was not preserved, so cold-case investigators could not retrieve any DNA evidence that would not have been available in 1981. There were no updates on the man they were going to question.
The statute of limitations for the murder of Dagmar Strand expired on September 15, 2006.