A 44-year-old Dutch Man travelled to a beachside city in neighbouring Belgium to visit the casino. He drove back toward his home country before abruptly turning around at the border and completely disappearing. His van was later found with a suitcase inside, containing his folded clothing.

(Thanks to Clear-Ad-8798 for suggesting this case via this post asking for case suggestions from my international readers since I focus on International cases

This is the most recent case I've ever covered)

Unfortunately, we know little about Maarten Dickhoff's background other than that he was born in 1979 or 1980. He lived in the Dutch town of Alphen aan den Rijn for approximately 25 years. He worked as a tiler specializing in small, high-quality jobs. In 2017, he decided to start his own tiling business. The business was successful, and he had no debts and was close with his family. Everyone said that he would always help others when needed and never found himself involved in any trouble.

On January 23, 2024, he decided to take a short trip. He left the Netherlands and drove to the coastal city of Ostend, Belgium. At 11:15 p.m., he checked into the Andromeda Hotel, a luxury hotel. After arriving at the hotel, he went to the Casino-Kursaal, also in Ostend. At 12:30 a.m. on January 24, the casino's CCTV cameras captured him putting on his coat and heading outside.

Judging by his demeanor on the footage, he seemed restless and spent more time speaking on his phone then playing the slot machines.

Nobody knows where he went next as the cameras from the surrounding area failed to capture them. Eventually, he did return to the Hotel and at 4:00 a.m. CCTV cameras from the hotel captured his van exiting the underground parking garage. While he did leave the hotel, he didn't check out

The last time Maarten was seen was at 4:52 a.m. CCTV cameras at an Esso gas station in Drongen, also in Belgium captured him filling up the gas tank and buying a coffee. Maarten was alone and nothing seemed odd or unusual about him. He then drove off.

On January 25, Maarten's family back in the Netherlands contacted their local police to report Maarten missing after a client complained about him being late.

After asking about his last known whereabouts, the Dutch police quickly realized that while he did go missing in Belgium, he had visited the casino twice. After his first visit he turned around and drove back to The Netherlands to fill up his gas tank in Gouda at 7:12 p.m. Then he got a coffee from McDonald's.

Afterwards, he drove back to Belgium to go back to the casino for the second time. The second trip to the casino is the one where he went missing afterward. The Dutch police quickly contacted their Belgian counterparts, thus initiating a joint investigation.

While Maarten was last seen at the gas station, the police were thankfully able to track his movements using his cell phone and the vehicle's onboard computer. At 4:09 a.m., he left Ostend and drove towards Antwerp and later took a route that would bring him to Rotterdam, Netherlands. On the way, he stopped for coffee at the Gas Station in Drongen.

He drove toward Antwerp before turning North on the R4 highway toward Ghent and its port. At around 5:16 a.m. near Wondelgem, he abruptly switched off his phone. The police could still trace the car via its console, CCTV and witnesses.

His van was seen driving toward driving towards the Dutch border near Zelzate before abruptly turning around and driving into Belgium right before reaching the border. Afterward, his van couldn't be tracked any further. The police's takeaway from this was that he never made it back to The Netherlands so the Belgian police would be conducting the bulk of the investigation.

Here is a map of his route

On February 26, the police in Aalter, Belgium, a town 45 kilometres away from Ostend found Maarten's Black Volkswagen Transporter Van in a parking lot close to the E40 highway. The parking lot was that of a Fastned charging station which was odd because Maarten's vehicle wasn't electric.

The police had found the vehicle earlier but didn't think much of it as Maarten had yet to be reported missing. The reason the police knew this was because an officer had left a parking ticket. The ticket revealed that the van had been parked there since 6:05 a.m. on January 24. The police felt it an odd place for someone who had never been to the area to go.

The parking lot was also located close to Aalter's weekly market so they thought the vendors may have seen Maarten or whoever parked the car while setting up shop. Sadly nobody saw anything that could aid in their investigation. The police then went to the local hotels to see if Maarten checked in or If anyone saw them. Next, the police questioned those who also went to the parking lot to charge their electric vehicles. None of them saw Maarten either.

As for the vehicle itself, it was spotless for the most part. Inside the vehicle, the police found no sign of Maarten and his valuables like his wallet which contained a large number of Euros, his expensive iPhone, keys and passport were missing. What officers did find was a small suitcase. Inside the suitcase were Maarten's clothes, neatly folded.

The police tried to obtain dashcam footage from the locals and those who shared Maarten's route so they could shed light on Maarten's last known activities. Even with an appeal for those in the area to come forward with their dashcam footage, they were left with no new leads.

The police's two theories are that Maarten either took his own life and ensured he wouldn't be found, or that somebody had killed him, possibly road rage or gambling debts due to the casino.

The police do not have enough evidence to push one theory over the other and are now, one year after his disappearance, at a loss. Their exact words, "That's a mystery to us, as far as we know, there is no one who knew Maarten around here."

Anyone with information is encouraged to call one of these three numbers 0800-6070, 0800-7000 or 088-9645044. You can also submit a tip online via this website


Verdwijning van Maarten DICKHOFF – Disparition de Maarten DICKHOFF




















