My crush is dating my friend ):

I had a crush who was talking with my friend, to keep it short they eventually stopped talking due to disinterest and that's where I came in, I'm not a well mannered person so we were saying Ily, and talking about fighting and sex but she purely thought I had autism and I was joking but I eventually started talking to her seriously and she gave me serious responses but I kept unadding her and blocking her due to my religion and the fact that dating her would spoil me, anyways months later after I finally unadded her and never added her again, she than started dating my friend and than all of a sudden I got jealous and would feel hate and disgust towards my friend, I still feel this way even after, the crazy part is I've never even met her I've been on VC's with her but never actually spoken with her in real life.

I dont know how to feel anymore I cant stop thinking about her and I keep hoping that she will break up with my friend, though she says hates me too, I just want to know what I can do to stop feeling this, I want to stop liking her but my feelings wont go away, she's on my mind until I go to sleep.