Diversity in media is good

Seeing how modern entertainment like video games, shows, and movies have become more "woke," I have to say this. Diversity in media is good.

You heard me right. Diversity is good.

No matter what you are, whether you're disabled, part of the LGBTQIA+ or other types that are deemed "woke", that doesn't mean the series will be ruined.

Sure, that is far-fetched. But this hatred is getting too out of hand. I even talked to someone about it, and they seemed to be tired of this "anti-wokeness". Thanks a lot, Endymion videos.

But, what I could only say is how this "woke" could ruin a series by butchering the lore that has been already established or even going off the rain and twisting the meaning of said lore or characters.

That is all I have to say. You can hate me on this, but this is my opinion.